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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Good Guys Lose

So I have an idea for a story, but in it the good guys (humans) lose to the bad guys (aliens).  The loss doesn't involve extinction or having our planet blown up, but we end up being little better than dirt between the cracks of the intergalactic society.

And I'm wondering who would want to read a book, even if it's interesting, that ends up with humanity basically losing the big battle.  We're the plucky guys who always figure out how to beat the 10,000 year old intergalactic society and bend them to our will, not the losers.  At least that's how every Sci-fi book I've ever read does it.

That's so cliche though.  I could do the story from the POV of an alien, but I think people wouldn't like it.  I could do it as a short story or novella and sort of not mention that the people getting their butts kicked are us until the end.  Oh well.


  1. What you're talking about is really similar to the movie Titan A.E. written by Joss Whedon.

    Humans lose, aliens win, humans end up being the lowest of the low, random dude and purple-haired girl discover a seed ship to create a new earth for the lowly people and defeat the big baddies.

  2. Well, I never said anything about the humans winning and destroying the bad guys at the end of the novel. I'm basing this more on the plight of the aborigines and native Americans. :)
