So...been a long time since my last blog post. I'm going to post more, I promise. I have not been idle though. I've written two books that I've tossed into the dust that's something. My wife hates it when I make her read a book, and she falls in love with the characters, and then I tell her to kiss them goodbye because I hate the finished product. (grin)
So my latest book, which is actually the third draft of the second book I tossed, is about a kid who is a Spark (that's a wizard with very little talent), only things aren't what they seem (are they ever?) and there's demons, and Wizards, and girls (he's 15, there has to be girls), and he's a freshman in high school (thanks god, I'll never be one again).
I'm going to be posting small excerpts as blog posts--because I want to. Please note, this is in only its second revision, which means I'm writing from scratch for the second time, so anybody who points out spelling or punctuation mistakes will be baked over hot coals.
This is the book I will be sending out for query. It's fully plotted and I'm already 66% through with second revision, and I still like it, so w00t on that. And I know you're supposed to write one book at a time (blah blah blah), but I've already got this thing planned out (roughly) for six books, and it includes Faerie and Demon-kind, and a type of group Godhood (7 beings) that I read about while researching (old religion), and armageddon and all kinds of interesting stuff.
I have found as I'm writing this story that I'm spending as much time creating the setting, specifically events that occurred 2k, 3k and 5k years ago involving wars between Faerie, Demons and us. The hard part is not just blurting out the whole history in a single long exposition. Telling it in dribs and drabs during the story is the right way to do it, but argh!!!!
Okay, enough. Glad to be back. I promise to ramble on (sigh, been listening to Led Zeppelin too much lately)
Oh yeah, Go Pats!!!
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